
Click here to download a precious info kit for young parents on age wise Montessori tenets, home arrangements and parameters for selecting a pre school.

Montessori Education in a Nutshell

0 to 6 yrs - Help me do it by myself!
6 to 12 yrs - Help me think!
12 to 18 yrs - Help me to think with you!
18 to 24 yrs - How may I help you?

Pillars of Cascade


On the child, working on her/his strengths giving time to normalise and scale up academics at their pace.


From the family in the life of the child, including CASCADE's activities.


Towards young families in the community as well as rural areas giving them support on Early Childhood education from birth.

Parenting: Study circles for families that create a democratic platform for teachers and parents to discuss freely issues related to educational philosophy, Montessori practices, parenting and classroom challenges.



Functioning in Adyar from inception, and now wholly in Anna Nagar, Chennai since 2010, CFLS is a parent led Montessori based replicable educational eco system. It's parent organisation Relief Foundation (public charitable trust) runs 7 Rural Montessori Resource Centres across since 2015.

Child Protection Policy
Child Protection Procedures apply to all children and young people under the age of 18.